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Tag Archives: computer
Computer Bloke stars in Olympics Opening Ceremony
One of the more bizarre moments in the recent opening ceremony for the Olympic Games occurred when the spotlight fell on a bloke sitting at a desk in front of a computer. Commentators on certain American television channels were unable … Continue reading
Posted in Telecom Ramblings
Tagged ARPANET, computer, DOT-DASH TO DOT.COM, Internet, Tim Berners-Lee, World Wide Web, www
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Treating a Paranoid Computer
The ARPANET was an early computer network that played a critical role in the development of the Internet. In 1972, Robert Kahn organized the first public demonstration of the ARPANET’s capabilities at the International Conference on Computer Communications in Washington, … Continue reading
Posted in Telecom Ramblings
Tagged ARPANET, computer, Internet, network, packet switching
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This Is All Getting A Bit Scary
Since the attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, there has been considerable speculation about the possibility of cyber terrorism. In March 2000, a disgruntled Australian employee used the internet to release one million litres of raw … Continue reading